1972 Provides for disposition of judgment (86 Stat. 64)
1958 Retroceding federal concurrent police jurisdiction (72 Stat. 35)
1956 Provides for issuance of paten-in-fee to holder of exchange assignment (70 Stat. 187)
1941 Authorizing Secretary to sell Indian land to Cut Bank ((55 Stat. 731)
1931 Modifying enrollment for Blackfeet Tribe (46 Stat. 1495)
1931 Authorizes Secretary to adjust irrigation charges (46 Stat. 1093)
1927 Appropriation for road maintenance on Blackfeet Indian Reservation (44 Stat. 963)
1924 Provides for disposal of deceased allottee's allotments (43 Stat. 252)
1920 Authorizes Secretary to purchase allotments for reclamation project (41 Stat. 549)
1916 Regarding irrigation projects (39 Stat. (123)140)
1915 Authorizes Great Northern Railway to change location of its right-of-way (38 Stat. 814)
1912 Sale of Blackfeet lands to Louis W. Hill for hotel in Glacier National Park (37 Stat. 64)
1907 Provides for allotments on Blackfeet Reservation (34 Stat. 1035)
1896 Ratifies land cessions of Blackfeet (29 Stat. 353)
1888 Assigning portions of Blackfeet Indian Reservation to Montana Counties (25 Stat. 239)
1888 Creates separate reservations (25 Stat. 113)
1874 Establishes a reservation for certain Indians in the territory of Montana (18 Stat. 28)